Right up there with "I Love You", I think "Thank You Jesus" are three of the most important. Lately, my perspective has changed - in some areas at least.
I grumble when the weekend approaches because unlike "normal" people, there is no such thing as a "relaxing" weekend at our house. My husband has go to bed early Friday night because he as to be up early. Friday nights (for the most part) and Saturday mornings are a wash because he works for his dad Saturday mornings. I hate it. We have been married (almost) 15 years and I have always hated it. There has never been such a thing as curling up with the kiddos and watching cartoons, or going out for breakfast, or getting a jump on yard work, or even just being lazy. He is gone before sun up and doesn't get back until lunch. He breaks his neck to catch the end of a soccer game if it is a late one. It stinks.
Thank you Jesus for blessing me with a husband who loves and works hard for his family and always makes the most of every situation. I thank you that he is able to come home every night. I thank you that he does not cheat and is an honest person with high morals and standards that he is passing down to his own sons. Many others have spouses who are abusive, non-caring, or have been taken from their families too early. I am beyond blessed...
There are days I feel like if Ava or Sarah yell "Mom!!!" one more time, my head is going to explode! Once they bound through the door, (and I am not exaggerating) I am unable complete a single thought in my head the rest of the day. Ava is forever testing her boundaries.
Thank you Jesus that (at least for today) my kids are healthy and can speak to me and call my name. So many children are sick and in the hospital for various diseases who cannot speak, or communicate with the parents who love them and would trade the world to take their place. So many others long to have a child and are unable to conceive. There are parents whose hearts are literally broken because their child was taken unexpectedly....much too early. You have given me four and I love them more than words could ever express. They are the light of my life and I am in awe that you have given them to me.
I get frustrated when I miss things because of my work schedule. I always feel like I let my kids down if I can't drive for every field trip, or be at every class party. Sometimes I can switch things around, but I'm not always so lucky. Granted, there aren't many things I miss, but still... I hate hearing the disappointment in the girls voices when they ask, "Mommy, will you be home before we go to bed?" and I have tell them "no".
Thank you Jesus that I have a job that I (for the most part) enjoy. So many people are struggling to find work these days. Thank you for this provision. Help me to be content where I know you have led me, and use me to minister to others.
Three words...bad.hair.day!
Thank you Jesus for my health. I know many who are battling cancer and would give anything just to be able to have a "bad hair day".
I remember when we moved into our house a year ago, the walls were freshly painted, the carpet (although far from being new) was clean, and the whole place was immaculate! Now, a year and a half later, (thanks to four kids, a couple of sippy cups and a new puppy) there are carpet stains, finger prints on door frames and some inconspicuous crayon marks. It is far from immaculate. I remember how it looked the first time we saw it and sometimes I grumble (under my breath) when I see how um - "lived in" it looks. I don't know why. There are six of us living there for goodness sake...plus a dog! I guess I will always be a little OCD...
Thank you Jesus for house full of love, noise and laughter. There are so many "signs of life" here. My goal is not to impress anyone, but to make everyone who enters to feel welcomed. Spills and spots are so trivial in the grand scheme of things!
Lord, I know my life circumstances could change in the blink of an eye, but just for today - for this moment - I thank you for all the little things that tend to drive me crazy. In the end, they really are just trivial things that I (ashamedly) take for granted. I don't deserve any of this. Thank you for blessing me beyond measure...my cup truly overflows.
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