Okay...I know it wasn't even a good 2 weeks ago I said there was NO WAY I was ready to put Sarah in a big girl bed. She is up at the crack of dawn and I know poor Ava is up early because of her! Then - out of the blue - a co-worker offered me her daughter's bedroom suit.....for FREE! Seriously - I just can't turn down an offer like that! I really hadn't thought about Ava moving out of her crib too, but when I found out this was a double bed, Charles & I figured we might as well bite the bullet! We were really anxious to see how they would adapt, and with the exception of nap-time, they really have done well. We put them down at night (around 8) and usually don't hear a peep out of them until they come wobbling out of the room around 7 the next morning. Naps are a different story. It just doesn't happen! Now on Tuesday, Sarah was at Mother's Day Out so I left Ava in the room to see what she would do. She never cried to come out, but I did hear her on the slide several times. I finally went in to get her up because we had to get to school and she was curled up on the floor asleep with her blanket. I guess if she is tired enough, she will crash! Anyway - here are some pics of their first night...one before they got in bed - one playing before bed - and one after they finally gave it up!
Share 4 Somethings (#2 of 2025)
20 hours ago