Today was our first full day here at the beach. Yesterday really doesn't count I guess, because it was a travel day. We made great time! Since we couldn't check in before 3, I didn't see the need to leave in the middle of the night to try to get here. So, we managed to leave about 10:15 and still made it here in about 8 hours...only stopping once ~ yes ~ ONCE! With four kids (one of whom has a bladder the size of the head of a pin), that is nothing short of a miracle! We were reminiscing about past trips - as a family and as teenagers with friends and church trips. Good times!! As soon as we unloaded the car we had to get to the beach. After a short walk we talked the girls into coming in so we could go buy food and get some dinner. It was still close to midnight before everyone was asleep, but sleep they did! The kids didn't get up until 9:15. Actually, Ava was up about 6 but I sent her back to bed. We hit the beach...swam, looked for seashells (which the seashells here are SO TINY!!!! What is up with that?) Sarah did find two of the smallest sand dollars I have EVER seen. I was amazed! I have never found a sand dollar on the beach - only in a shop! So anyway...the girls got tired of building sand castles and burying Josh on the beach so we headed to the pool. Then back inside for lunch and downtime. The girls talked me into going back down to the pool so Charles and I headed back out while the boys stayed upstairs (actually, Josh just crawled in his bed and took a nap!) Then when the boys decided to join this, we realized the importance of keeping one of the spare keys in the lock box on the door. It's in case you are locked out BTW! One hour and $50 later we were back in. Yes - it was a little frustrating and poor Zachary really beat himself up about it, but you's a lesson learned. It's over, it all worked out, so why dwell on it? Things happen and you have to consider them a "lesson learned" - THE END!
So that was our drama for the day, but the biggest laugh of the day was when Zachary posted as his Facebook status that he went "Booby" boarding earlier. Oh. My. Word. I just happened to check my FB after he posted that and after I composed myself and told him what he had done, he was scrambling to get to his iTouch to change it but couldn't. We were all laughing soooo hard! I didn't think about having him sign on the laptop, but oh well...lots of people got a kick out of it. He is such an amazing kid. I just love his heart -- I just wish he wasn't so hard on himself! As soon as we got let back into the condo, he grabbed his wallet and tried to pay Charles the $50. He felt it was his fault we got locked out because he and Josh were the last ones out the door. Of course Charles refused, but I admire him for even offering. How many 12 year olds would even think about doing that?
Tomorrow's agenda again involves beach and pool time but I really don't know what else. I know we plan on going to the Naval Aviation Museum later this week to see the Blue Angels practice. Charles and Zachary are going to go parasailing and Sarah and I will rent a jet ski one day. Who knows? That's really my idea of vacation ~ no agenda! We do what we want when we want. This week is all about us being just the 6 of us....and in Sarah and Ava's words "This is the best vacation EVER!" :-)
Share 4 Somethings (#2 of 2025)
1 day ago
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